Goal: make the Acura ILX attractive to well-heeled millennials
Solution: demonstrate the features of the car using memorably quirky "animals"
As copy supervisor, I served as head copywriter and co-creative director with my talented friend Isabella Bolivar-Moreno.
The print ads feature a pull-tab, where the IL(feature) slogan is featured on top of the tab, and pulling the tab reveals the car model name.
Social Media
Account Executive: Emma Everett
Creative Directors: Jack Schuleman, Isabella Bolivar Moreno
Art Directors: Cherie Chan, Tommy Li, Na Yoon Kim, Isabella Bolivar Moreno
Copywriters: Jack Schuleman, Tait Mancosky
Planner: Olivia Byrne
Social media led by Amy Wu and Erin Touhey
Production team led by Matthew Buckley
Special thanks to our advisors, Pegeen Ryan, Tobe Berkovitz, and John Verret